Quali vini abbinare con la pizza?

How to pair wines with pizza?

Pairing wines with pizza can be a difficult choice, as there are many types of pizza with different combinations of ingredients and flavors. However, there are some general guidelines you can follow to find a good pizza-wine pairing:
  1. Consider the ingredients of the pizza : Heavier, more flavorful ingredients, like sausage or pepperoni, may call for a wine with a fuller body and more pronounced tannins to counteract the strong flavors. Pizzas with lighter ingredients, such as vegetables or fish, can be combined with more delicate and fresh wines.

  2. Choose a wine that pairs with the cheese : Cheese is a key ingredient on most pizzas, so it's important to choose a wine that pairs well with the type of cheese used. For example, goat cheese can be paired with a light, crisp white wine, while buffalo cheese can be paired with a light, fruity red wine.

  3. Choose a wine with an appropriate level of acidity : The acidity in wine can help cleanse the palate and prepare it for the next bite of pizza. Choose a wine with an appropriate level of acidity to contrast the pizza ingredients and maintain flavor balance.

  4. Don't be afraid to experiment : There's no golden rule for wine-pizza pairing, so don't hesitate to experiment with different combinations to find the one you like best.

However, in general:

  • for tomato-based pizzas , a light, fruity red wine can be a great choice;
  • for white pizzas , a crisp, light white wine can be a great option;
  • for pizzas with savory ingredients , such as sausage or pepperoni, it may be a good idea to opt for a red wine with a more robust body and more pronounced tannins.

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