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Your satisfaction is our priority: discover our shipping policies!

Shipping Policies:

Each order placed with a vendor represents a separate shipment.

The time to prepare the goods varies from vendor to vendor. Some vendors may take longer to process your order due to specific production processes or high volume of requests. Please note that the preparation time may be longer.

Transport time depends on the location of the vendor. Each vendor has a different location and, as a result, delivery time may vary depending on distance and available shipping options. We will do our best to provide accurate delivery time estimates based on the information provided by the vendors.

We recommend that you keep an eye on your e-mail account or personal area for any updates on the status of your shipment. You will receive a notification as soon as your order has been processed and shipped.

If you have placed an order with different vendors, you may receive your items in separate shipments due to different origin locations. We will make every effort to coordinate shipments to minimise any inconvenience.

In case you need further information about shipping, please contact our customer service. We will do our best to provide you with the necessary information and help you with any questions or problems related to your shipment.

We are committed to providing you with an efficient and satisfactory shipping experience. Thank you for your understanding and for choosing our products!

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