Qual è l'origine della pizza?

What is the origin of pizza?

Pizza is a culinary preparation that has ancient origins and has evolved over the centuries. Its origin can be traced back to ancient Greece , where the inhabitants ate a sort of bread seasoned with oil, herbs and spices. However, it was in Italy that pizza took on the form we know today.

Modern pizza was born in Naples in the seventeenth century . Initially, it was considered a poor dish, consumed by workers and sailors. The pizza consisted of a bread base topped with simple ingredients such as tomato , mozzarella and basil . Over time, pizza has become more and more popular and has spread all over the world, becoming one of the most loved dishes in every part of the globe. Today, pizza is prepared with a wide range of ingredients and toppings, and can be served both in pizzerias and at home.

Pizza is a dish based on leavened dough, topped with tomato and mozzarella , but it can be prepared in many variations with a wide range of ingredients such as ham, mushrooms, vegetables, tuna, anchovies, salami and much more.

The history of pizza is linked to the city of Naples , Italy, where this dish has become a true symbol of Neapolitan cuisine . However, pizza is spread all over the world and each country has developed its own local variants, using ingredients and toppings typical of its own culinary tradition.

Pizza has become a symbol of Italian cuisine around the world and is prepared in pizzerias, restaurants and even at home. Furthermore, there are numerous competitions and events dedicated to pizza, where the best pizza makers from all over the world compete to demonstrate their skills and to create new variations of this dish loved all over the world .

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