Collection: Basilicata

 In addition to the Greek and Roman footsteps, the Sassi of Matera are certainly among the wonders of Basilicata. Declared a World Heritage Site by Unesco in 1993, an urban nucleus dug into the bare rock since the Paleolithic.

The gastronomy with Pepperoni Cruschi di Senise, Crapiata, Pezzente della Montagna Matera, Pane di Matera. Sarconi beans, Red Aubergine, Broad beans and chicory, Caciocavallo Podolico to combine with Aglianico, from which the only DOCG of the region is born, followed by montepulciano, moscato, malvasia, asprinio lucano, sangiovese, primitivo, cabernet sauvignon, trebbiano and greco.

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